The 2007 Mid-State of Ohio Kart Club racing season came to a close back in October, but there have been a number of developments since then and we are already beginning to look forward to the 2008 season. The season-ending MSOKC banquet was held on November 16, 2007, where Peter and Henry received their championship trophies – 1st place for Peter in the Junior

Sportsman 2 class and 3rd place for Henry in the 80cc Shifter class. Peter also received a set of tires and an embroidered sweatshirt for being class champion and a medal for setting the lap record for his class at Circleville Raceway Park in 2007. For his continued improvement throughout the season, Henry was awarded a trophy for Most Improved Senior Driver. An impressive assortment of door prizes was also collected.
Conor had a check-up in Iowa City just before Thanksgiving (November 9, 2007). Prior to that, he had been allowed to do away with the part of his brace that goes around his torso, so he was wearing just the neck brace itself. Dr. Menezes was so impressed by Conor's progress in November that he gave him instruction to wean himself off of the brace over the next few weeks.

He has been brace-free since early December. Dr. Menezes also indicated that there was no reason that he could not begin to return to his normal activities over the next few months, including kart racing(!), provided that this did not cause him discomfort. He has been slowly building up strength in his neck through his normal day-to-day activities. At this point, it appears that the Yamaha Super Can kart that we acquired for him at the end of the 2006 season will see action in 2008.
Henry has been busy with his final year of high school and with college applications. He will

continue in the 80cc Shifter class in 2008, although his participation in the latter part of the season will depend on what college he decides to attend. We have still not decided which class Peter will contend in 2008. If we knew that the Junior Unrestricted class was going to have better participation in 2008 than in 2007, we would go with that. Unfortunately, that is the sort of thing that doesn't become apparent until the first race of the season.
Another development that I am pleased to announce is that we now have a website. There are two ways to access the site. The direct link is You can also use, which will redirect you to the site. I would be interested in any comments or suggestions that you have regarding the site.